
we should've had the fruit salad!!

Fuck iTunes 7 and it's weird interface, because its fucking with my iPod. I hate it, my iPod's all screwy, and I apologize for cursing, this will be one of the rare times I use them.

I had planned on listening to a podcast while I fall asleep, but iTunes 7 did some wacky thing with my iPod and now I have no podcasts on there. So I guess I'll have to figure that out tomorrow. Which, by the way, is Friday, and Rosh Hashanah, therefore I'll probably have no homework tomorrow. For those of you unfamiliar with Rosh Hashanah, it's the Jewish New Year, a fun holiday, where all you do is pray and suffer through endless visits from relatives, which you can't escape by saying you have to do work, becase you're not allowed to do any work. At least that's what it is to my understanding, being a total WASP in this upper middle class primarily Jewish town of mine.

Well, before I get too tired to type, I thought I should give you a little sports center recap of my day, you know, going from the big hit to big hit and skipping the five innings between.

I had about the bes paper fight in the history of paper fights in health today. I'm not sure who tarted it, but it was my friend and I against this (kinda) cute guy in our class, and when our eacher wasn't paying attention, it went balls to the walls. Literally. The paper balls were bouncing, for lack of a better word, around the room, and when all was said and done I don't think there was really a clear winner. However, while we were waiting for tehe bell to ring, Steven turns around and asks me to throw him the one remaining paper ball. I thought he was just gonna throw it back at me or at my friend, but instead he says "can you believe this? they're still throwing them at me!!"

Yes, I'll admit it, he duped me, but you know what they say; "fool me once shame on you, fool me twice, shame on me." So, shame on you Steven. Shame on you, and you'll never trick me again.

I was once again humiliated today, but this time it wasn't in French, it was in gym. We had just gotten on the track for class, and were going through our first exercise, a 20 yard karaoke (don't ask, its hard to explain, but its a fancy foot move thing), and I did it fine, but when I got o the "finish line", I tripped (probably over air), and got really scraped up from the track. I went into the nurses office, and she cleaned me up ok. My knees still kind of hurt, but the real injury was the below-the-belt hit to my ego, since I fell right in front of this group of popular girls, most of whom really intimidate and scare me.

But I didn't have to jog a mile, and thats all that counts, right?

Tonight was also back to school night, when all the parents get to meet their kids teachers and get lost in the school. It's also a big fundraising event for the clubs and organizations in school, and I helped to man the table for "my club, Images, the art and literary magazine (I say "my" club, only because its currently the only one I'm involved in). There was a lot of competetion for these people's money, let me tell you. Almost everyone was selling water or beverages, the cheerleaders had homemade baked goods, the gay rights club/SADD had chocolate fondue, with pineapples and strawberries and everything, and we're sitting there with our pre-packaged bags of M&Ms and crunchy processed snacks. We faired pretty well (we raised over $200 in one night), but only because we were desperate for business. We shouted our selling points:

-"Please, support Images, our school's art and literary magazine."
-"We've got ice cold drinks and snacks for only one dollar!!"
-"Be a patron of the arts and support our magazine, where we publish your students work."

And so on and so forth. But at least it was fun.

My bed is calling me, it wants me, I must take my leave.


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