
blogger problems and scalp irritation

Yeah, you don't know this, (well, you probably don't know this) but blogger was having problems and wasn't showing any edits I made or new posts. But it's all better now. Yay.

I think I'm coming down with a cold or something because I woke up this morning and I was all "Bleh, I don't feel like doing anything." But I really don't get sick like "stuck in bed for a week unable to move or sleep unless I take NyQuil". I'm just like "oh, my throat hurts" or "oh, my nose is stuffy" Now I'm just like "If, I'm going to be sick, let me be sick. If I'm going to be healthy, let my be 100% healthy". But of course that never happens.

I'm still going to my bowling league in like 45 minutes, so that will be fun. I'm getting a lot better, and I'm excited about that because that means I can join the bowling team in school next year. Chyeah.

There's this big trip this weekend for all the people in treble chorus (9th and 10th grade girls), band, and orchestra, and I REALLY wanted to go, but stupid me decided to do *hillbilly accent* guitar *end accent* instead of chorus, so not only am I stuck wasting 5 combined days of my life in guitar, I also don't get to go on this awesome trip with my friends. Can you say -bummer-?

My scalp is really really really itchy, and I've tried everything. I can't take it anymore. None of the dandruff shampoos or conditioners or treatments I've tried have worked, and it's pissing me off. I just sit ad scratch all day long. It's SOO annoying. So, if any of you have tips as to how to soothe my tender scalp, please tell me. I will be forever in your debt.

Um, that's it for now, ttyl!


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