
Be careful of whiplash

Hello and welcome to my new blog. I've been wanting to do a podcast for awhile, but seeing as I don't have a mic and my podcast would be an audio blog anyway, I thought "why not just start a blog?" So now I have! Aren't you excited? I sure am. So, onto my day...

First, however, I must put in a disclaimer saying that the subjects in this blog tend to change rapidly and at random. Be careful of whiplash. Or eyelash. HAHAHA, eyelash, woah, I'm like tearing I just laughed so hard. Anyways, onto my day (at last).

Today was Monday, and we all know what Monday means: back to school. However, today was somewhat different because we had a field trip. And do you know where we went? To see Romeo and Juliet at Hofstra University. Now, I thought this production would be way better than it was, and I also thought it would be less artsy and just stick to the Elizabethan era. But no, they had to be all modern and (I can't think of the word.....) but they were very unconventional. I also thought they would have a bigger cast. I mean, Hofstra is all drama people, it's a big performing arts school, and the production was a big draw (as in there were a lot of people there) so I think they could have had a larger cast.

My friends and I got a little lost afterwards, so that was kind of fun. We were all stressing out like "Oh no, we can't find our class." But we did and we caught the bus before it left without us. Then when we got back from the play we got a little confused. Before we got off the bus, my teacher made a point in saying we could just hang out for the rest of the day because we had our last period off, and it was already ten minutes into the last period. However, they made an announcement saying that all freshman had to report to their eighth (sp?) period class. So my friend and I, being the good girls that we are, got our stuff and went to our class. We were the only ones that went back. I don't know where everyone else went, but they totally cut class. If I had known everyone else was going to cut, I probably would have too. Damn.

So then I came home and listened to the four new podcasts I had, and I must share my story avec vous. So, I had sent an e-mail to the hosts of a podcast about something they had talked about in the previous episode, and I had signed it Samantha from Old Bethpage NY. So, during the podcast, although they didn't read the e-mail, they did say hello to me like they do with most people who write in, and they got off onto the funniest tangent ever about my town. It was hilarious. I don't want to infringe on their copyrights, so I'm not going to transcribe what they said, but if you want to subscribe to "Zee and Zed" and listen to the latest episode, you an hear the whole thing starting at 31:11.

My brother and my dad just got back from the store, and have informed me that they bought a new ink roll for our new ancient typewriter. We got it from our aunt, and it had belonged to my grandfather who died when my mom was around my age. It's pretty cool, but the ink had been practically all used up, so the words came out really faint. So I guess now it's all fixed.

Yikes, I didn't realize that blogging takes this long. I've been typing for almost 30 minutes. Yikes! (I typed the last yikes in about 30 seconds after the first one, but totally forgot it was there. So I'll keep it in because it's very funny)

Aah, I am soo excited for Prison Break tonight! It's the first new episode since like November. It feels like I have been waiting my whole life for this. And it's especially special since all my other shows are on hiatus, ranging from 2 to 5 weeks in duration. I think. Yeah, Gilmore Girls is on a 5 week hiatus (5 weeks btw shows), House is on a 3-week hiatus, and 7th Heaven is on a 5 week hiatus, so it's more like between 3 to 5 weeks.

I really need a new mouse. It's really ticking me off that it doesn't roll around properly. And pop-ups also tick me off. The pop up, and stop whatever I'm typing, and since I'm one of those people that look down at the keys when they type, I have no idea that my typing isn't doing anything, and I have to do it all over. **pants** Well, that was my rant for today. And I guess that was my blog too. I'm tired. Talk to you guyses tomorrow!!


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